
Dear Chuck,
Do your friends and family know that starting November 1st, just about anyone can carry a hidden, loaded gun into Wisconsin's businesses and public buildings that fail to post a no-guns-allowed sign?
We’ve put together facts that everyone should know before Gov. Walker’s “guns in public” law goes into effect.
Please forward this email to your friends, family and neighbors. Share the five facts that the gun extremists don’t want you to know about the new law:
1. It forces guns into places they just don’t belong and puts us all at risk. Places like banks, restaurants, hospitals, and virtually anywhere that’s not a private residence.
2. The vast majority of Wisconsin opposes it. By a 3 to 1 margin, the people of Wisconsin say they’ll feel less safe, not safer, in public places that allow guns.
3. It means guns in bars. What used to end with a few black eyes could now end with guns drawn, shots fired and bystanders killed.
4. It’s a threat to workers. When businesses allow guns, workers are 5 to 7 times more likely to be murdered, according to a study from the American Journal of Public Health.
5. It’s an assault on Wisconsin’s social fabric. Breeding fear and mistrust, the law encourages a mantra where every family needs to "arm up" to go out of their home.
2. The vast majority of Wisconsin opposes it. By a 3 to 1 margin, the people of Wisconsin say they’ll feel less safe, not safer, in public places that allow guns.
3. It means guns in bars. What used to end with a few black eyes could now end with guns drawn, shots fired and bystanders killed.
4. It’s a threat to workers. When businesses allow guns, workers are 5 to 7 times more likely to be murdered, according to a study from the American Journal of Public Health.
5. It’s an assault on Wisconsin’s social fabric. Breeding fear and mistrust, the law encourages a mantra where every family needs to "arm up" to go out of their home.
Make sure to forward this email to everyone you care about before the law takes effect November 1st -- so they can see what’s at stake and how Wisconsin is fighting back.
More than 60 cities and counties have recently voted to keep guns out of public buildings, the University of Wisconsin has opted to keep guns out of every building on all 26 campuses and concerned citizens have distributed 75,000 SAFE WISCONSIN cards to businesses urging them to keep guns out.
Thanks for everything you do to help reclaim Wisconsin and protect our families against “guns anywhere” extremism.
In Peace,
Jeri Bonavia
Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort
Shall I debunk these idiots?
1. It forces guns into places they just don’t belong and puts us all at risk. Places like banks, restaurants, hospitals, and virtually anywhere that’s not a private residence.
Yeah. There will be police-mandated gun forcing devices at the doors of every one of these places. In fact, I've got the contract to install these.
2. The vast majority of Wisconsin opposes it. By a 3 to 1 margin, the people of Wisconsin say they’ll feel less safe, not safer, in public places that allow guns.
2. The vast majority of Wisconsin opposes it. By a 3 to 1 margin, the people of Wisconsin say they’ll feel less safe, not safer, in public places that allow guns.
Anyone care to give a link to a non-Brady Bunch statistic that supports this? Thought not.
3. It means guns in bars. What used to end with a few black eyes could now end with guns drawn, shots fired and bystanders killed.
3. It means guns in bars. What used to end with a few black eyes could now end with guns drawn, shots fired and bystanders killed.
The many states that allow CCW in places that serve alcohol beg to differ. Reality sucks, don't it?
4. It’s a threat to workers. When businesses allow guns, workers are 5 to 7 times more likely to be murdered, according to a study from the American Journal of Public Health.
Again, statistics? From someplace not getting funds from the aforementioned Brady Bunch or George Soros?
5. It’s an assault on Wisconsin’s social fabric. Breeding fear and mistrust, the law encourages a mantra where every family needs to "arm up" to go out of their home.
5. It’s an assault on Wisconsin’s social fabric. Breeding fear and mistrust, the law encourages a mantra where every family needs to "arm up" to go out of their home.
Examples from the other 48 states with some form of CCW, please?
(sound of crickets)
I would add a 6th item - it's the law, so shut up and learn to live with it - or if guns scare you so much, go south to Chicago where they are still de-facto banned.
5. It’s an assault on Wisconsin’s social fabric. Breeding fear and mistrust, the law encourages a mantra where every family needs to "arm up" to go out of their home.
That's because the Police Union basically told everyone that if they didn't back their union, they'd be on their own.
"Sure is a nice business ya got her- be a shame if anything happened to it."