Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Beloit to consider gun bans

The City of Beloit is thinking of jumping on the free-fire zone bandwagon. From the city newsletter:
 Although we have been busy with the budget, we did take a few minutes this week to meet with representatives from the City Attorney's office to discuss the new Concealed Carry Law, which goes into effect on November 1, 2011. the law includes some modifications and will necessitate some changes to the existing City Municipal Code related to carrying firearms and weapons into public facilities. After discussing a number of alternative approaches, we decided to prepare a draft ordinance for Council's consideration that would prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons in most city facilities. The draft ordinance, along with a staff report, which will include other options and alternatives for Council's consideration, will be included on the November 7, 2011 agenda for Council consideration.
Note that the PDF linked above does not allow copying, so I had to type the quote. Any typos or misquotes are mine.

The agenda for the meeting so far mentions nothing of the sort.

It will be fun to go to that meeting and see if the subject is broached, and if so, to ask them how they will enforce it to ensure that no crazy with a gun gets into any proscribed area.

OOPS. The agenda I linked is for October 17th. Woke up too early this morning.

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