At Watts Up With That:
Friday Funny – The newest member of the Union of Concerned Scientists
Readers may recall this story a few weeks back:Be a “concerned scientist” – valid credit card required

Reader DJ writes in Tips & Notes:
Since becoming a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists when I found out all you needed was a valid credit card, my curiosity about who and what they really are has spiked.I decided to put that theory to the test. I am very proud to announce that a member of my family has been accepted into this prestigious organization. With pride, I present new UCS member, Kenji Watts:

Yes, Kenji is our dog. Apparently, the claim is true, all that is required to be a member of the illustrious group of “concerned scientists” is a valid credit card. No discerning questions were asked of me when I prepared Kenji’s application and no follow up check after the application was done. I simply put in his name, address, and provided a valid credit card that matched the address.
Here is his letter of acceptance:

And the envelope it came in:

Kenji surveys his welcome kit:

Kenji is a Japanese Chin, hence the name. I found it ironic that the issue of the UCS Catalyst Magazine (seen above) was all about Japan.

So the real question is: How many real “concerned scientists” are there in UCS? Membership is apparently not any more discerning than the ability to send money.
I’m disappointed the Guardian hasn’t called for a quote on this story citing “leading U.S. Scientists”:

Remember the Fusion Energy Foundation? Lyndon LaRouche? They used to roam the airports collecting donations so you could support fusion research - and much of the money went to LaRouche's campaign funds. UCS seems similar - the money goes to force carbon caps and other specious "science" on us.
I do note that their worries about "biofuels" are valid, and I share them.
Thanks, Julie.
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