Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Truth - it burns! it burns!

Social Security's Truth Is Coming Our Way

By Dean Kalahar
With a $14.587 trillion dollar national debt, the U. S. is on track for bankruptcy and catastrophic economic pain. Politicians from OZ will say "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." But don't be fooled by smoke and mirrors.
The largest part of the federal budget is entitlement spending. Since it serves the elderly and the afflicted it has often been called the "third rail" because it is politically "electrified." Nobody wants to touch entitlements, but basic math now demands that we feel the shock before we all get burned.
Officially known as The Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA), Social Security and Medicare were designed based on a corrupt model of purchasing political power not care for the elderly. In the largest scam ever perpetrated upon American taxpayers, politicians have stolen the people's money and cooked the books.


Will Osama be the President who pisses on the third rail?

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