Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, September 12, 2011

EPA strikes again

Let me get this straight - Osama told his minions at the EPA to lay off on enforcing their new Draconian air quality laws that would destroy American industry,

So, why do I see this?


EPA regulation forces closure of Texas energy facilities, eliminates 500 jobs

Texas energy company Luminant announced on Monday new burdensome Environmental Protection Agency regulations are forcing it to close several facilities, which will result in about 500 job losses.
The company will be idling — stopping the usage of — two energy generating units. It will also cease extracting lignite from three different Texas mines.
The EPA regulation Luminant cites as too burdensome is the new Cross-State Air Pollution rule, which requires Texas power generators to make “dramatic reductions” in emissions beginning on January 1, 2012.

Somebody is lying - stupid - or both.

H/t Ace of Spades

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