Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

USSA DOJ Website Update

Got a "chain letter" email from a friend.

For years, the US Department of Justice had a red, white, and blue banner at the top of their web site.

Well, times change:


The United States Department of Justice

The black background certainly reflects the general national mood these days.

The quote is supposed to be by C. Wilfred Jenks, a noted socialist of the 1930's who was big on international law.

According to this site, it's by Hartley Burr Alexander, one of the Department of Justice building's architects.

Socialist conspiracy theories aside, one of the main links on the DOJ page is "Defending the Affordable Health Care Act" - OsamaCare, in other words. The DOJ is giving this un-Constitutional law priority and lots of manpower with all the lawsuits aimed at its' repeal. Quote:

The Affordable Care Act was enacted on March 23, 2010. This comprehensive health care reform law makes health insurance affordable for millions of Americans and protects them against potentially catastrophic medical expenses. This law has become the subject of several lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the provision requiring Americans who can afford it to maintain basic health insurance coverage. The Department is vigorously defending the law in these cases.
 Funny -  they wouldn't spend a cent on enforcing the widely popular Defense of Marriage act, but millions for the defense of an unpopular law that will at the minimum bankrupt our country while condemning millions to an early death and suffering while they wait in Socialist queues for substandard care.

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