Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, September 19, 2011

Kirsten needs our help!!!

Remember Kirsten Gillibrand, the Demonrat who ran for Senator in New York as a defender of the Second Amendment, only to show her true colors after she won?

Well, she wants our money to keep her seat.

Her subject line was "Believe me".


Dear Chuck,
The recent Republican primary debates have been downright shocking, with candidates calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme, audience members cheering to let uninsured people die, and each contender racing to shut down the EPA first.

Watching the GOP try to roll back all the progress we’ve made is infuriating, but we can’t get discouraged. We’ve got to fight back!

I promise to do just that, but I’ve got a whole slew of Republicans who want to take my seat and take over the Senate. And believe me, they’re going to attack me with everything they’ve got.

That’s why I need your support today. The September 30 filing deadline is a big one. I need to raise $150,000 so I can show potential challengers that I have the grassroots support to win in 2012.

Defending progressive values has been my No. 1 priority since I came to Washington. From reversing the discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law to defending women’s reproductive rights and upholding environmental protections—I’ve never shied away from taking on Republicans on hot button issues.

But the more I fight them, the more of a target I become. The GOP is working closely with shadowy groups like Karl Rove's Super PAC to figure out how they’ll take over the Senate next year. Without a doubt, getting rid of me is part of their plan to get control.

By making a donation today, before the September 30 deadline, you’ll help me gather the resources I need to stop them from taking my seat and the majority in the Senate.

Yes, the Republicans are getting millions from Rove, but all I need to win is the support of people like you.




Social Security IS a Ponzi scheme - it was designed that way from the start. The "audience members cheering to let uninsured people die" were razzing the leftie moderator, and shutting down the un-Constitutional EPA should be a high priority for anyone who wants to get America back on track as a free, prosperous nation.

Her priorities - screwing up the morale of our military, supporting abortion and trying to further destroy America's remaining manufacturing base through a runaway EPA and other bureaus - what else needs to be said?

I didn't know Karl Rove was so rich he could give "millions' to the Republican Party, did you?

Watching the Tea Party grow, which got all those Republicans in there in the last election really galls these people. Knowing that history is passing them by must really hurt, when all they want to do is to force us into neat little pigeonholes where we can us all be nice little Soviet slaves.

We have until the 30th to donate to people who might actually help us out of this mess. If I run into any money - read, get a job - I will be backing Alan West and Herman Cain.

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