Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, September 8, 2011

FBI NICS data resource

Want to know how many FBI NICS checks were run in your state since 1998? It's all here.

Much has been said about 14 million NICS checks in 2009 and 2010. Remember NICS checks do not necessarily correspond with actual sales of guns - all they prove is that a background check was made. So, the total number of guns transferred is possibly a bit less than 14 million in those two years.

One interesting statistic - since November 1998, when these records began, only 868,470 requests were denied by the FBI.

868,470 out of 134,891,633 total checks. That's an 0.64% rejection rate. People with criminal convictions on record, 526,791. Misdemeanor domestic violence, 93,805. These are people too stupid to understand the questions they are answering on the 4473 from apply to them, or are lying.

The vast majority of criminals cannot be getting their weapons from legitimate dealers. The statistics prove it - so much for the "gun show loophole" and the ease of obtaining weapons the MSM and anti-gunners keep harping on.

Your tax dollars at work. Use this resource to help get our country back on the right track.

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