Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, November 3, 2011

More on Osama's "birther" problem

Does this nail it?

Debate is over! He's not natural born

Posted: October 02, 2011
9:00 pm Eastern
By J.B. Williams
© 2011 

Team Obama has done a magnificent job of dividing the opposition and distracting attention away from the greatest constitutional crisis in American history by keeping his opponents arguing over the correct definition of natural born citizen as the fraud continues in the people's White House.
But the debate is long over, for two reasons:
1) There are only three potential definitions for natural born citizen of the United States, and Obama cannot meet any of the three. 2) The actual definition is easily found and proven beyond any reasonable doubt



by JB Williams, ©2011

(Oct. 9, 2011) — In a World Net Daily expose’ regarding the final word on Obama ineligibility, I discussed the fact that Barack Hussein Obama II became the 44th resident of the people’s White House by way of outright fraud and explained that no matter which definition of natural born citizen one cherry-picks for their own political agenda, Obama cannot pass the test.

The U.S. Senate got the definition of natural born citizen exactly right in Senate Resolution 511 regarding John McCain, but refuses to apply the same definition to Barack Hussein Obama II. That’s because McCain can pass the test and Obama can’t. As a result, some think that he isn’t actually president, but if you look here, you will see him listed as our nation’s 44th. He’s the one at the bottom of the list… according to official records – Obama can and must be impeached.
Impeachment is a proper course - but is it possible?

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