This is the "Ark of Hope" which houses the "Earth Charter", written by our good friends who also gave us Agenda 21..
From the Ark of Hope website:
The Ark was designed and painted by Vermont, USA artist Sally Linder, built by cabitnetmaker Kevin Jenness and lined by fabric artist Beth Haggart. It was crafted from a single plank of sycamore maple from a sustainable forest in Germany. The five painted panels that form the sides and top of the Ark each represent the flora and fauna of the world as seen through the images of the world's traditional artists.First question - where did they get the unicorn horn, and did they apply for the proper endangered imaginary species permit required before harvesting said horns?Each panel visualizes a season, a direction, an element, and a universal symbol. Symbols of faith from traditional religions and indigenous societies surround the top panel of "Spirit" that honors the children and young animals of the world. The 96" carrying poles are unicorn horns which render evil ineffective.
Inside the Ark's lid is the Earth Charter handwritten on papyrus paper. The University of Cairo supplied Sally with instructions for making paper with papyrus - a plant known to have the ability to purify water of pollutants. The papyrus was harvested from the Living Systems, Inc. waste treatment plant in South Burlington, VT, soaked for two weeks in Sally's bathtub, then pressed using 90,000 pounds of pressure at Langdell Papers, a Vermont papermaker in East Topsham.
Second question - does Osama know one or more of his unicorns has been co-opted like this?
That's a trivia fact I shall remember - that papryus is used in wastewater treatment. Did Sally get permission to take that stuff?
I wonder whose bathtub Moses soaked the tablets for the Ten Commandments in...
In case you need to know the Word of Gaea, here's a link to the PDF in English.
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