Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Concerend about RFID chips?

Here's a whole new scare for you.

Found here. The site and video have a whole lot of other paranoia-inducing links.


Yes, an implanted RFID chip might be able to burn you if you get into a strong enough RF or AC electromagnetic field - but any metal on your body could do this.

No possible RFID chip can ever communicate with a satellite. It's very improbable that and implanted chip could ever receive GPS or other tracking signals. TO receive these signals would require a powered chip, which means a battery. Such a device would not be implantable like the chips people put under their pets' skin - it would take major surgery, and the battery would require periodic replacement.

RFID chips can only be read at a range of a few feet, maximum.

I doubt all of humanity will be "chipped" by 2017.

Personally, they will "chip" me after forcibly rendering me unconscious, and I will remove said chip with an X-Acto knife within 15 minutes of getting back to my shop. If the chip is placed deeper than a few millimeters, the flesh will prevent it from working, so it will be obvious and easily removed.

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