Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, August 15, 2011

Osama's choice for Director of Counterterrorism

L Neil Smith has an interesting take on her:

L. Neil Smith's
Number 632, August 14, 2011

"Planned and controlled genocide"—
She wants you dead!

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Ilse Koch
Ilse Koch "The Beast of Buchenwald"
Audrey F. Tomason
Audrey F. Tomason, Director for Counterterrorism for the National Security Council.
(She wants you dead!)
Democide Is Painless
by L. Neil Smith
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Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise
The most dangerous and successful conspiracies take place in public, in plain sight, under the clear, bright light of day—usually with TV cameras focused on them.
—L.Neil Smith, "Tactical Reflections"
Meet Ilse Koch, the so-called "Beast of Buchenwald", wife of Karl Otto Koch, Kommandant of that notorious slaughterhouse, and later of Majdanek in Poland. When we were little boys, growing up in the shadow of World War II, my classmates and I, as little boys will, tried to make each other shudder over the gory details of the woman's sadistic cruelties to Jewish concentration camp prisoners. Most infamously, she is the one accused of making lampshades from the preserved skin of her murdered victims. It's said she preferred sections with interesting tattoos.
Koch was imprisoned for the rest of her life for having done what she did. Eventually she committed suicide in 1967 at the age of 60. Many more Nazis like her were hanged, as she probably should have been. But what would we do today—and how would the media react—if somebody were to travel around the country delivering passionate, and repulsively well-received speeches in defense of Ilse Koch, demanding that what she did be done again, as a matter of government policy?
You think you know, don't you?
Meet Audrey Tomason.
Reportedly Barack Obama's Director for Counterterrorism, the diminutive 30-something Tomason is said by Wikipedia to be "one of the most secretive women in U.S. intelligence circles", so much so that her master's thesis, written while attending Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, is now classified by the U.S. government as top-secret, as reprehensible a violation of academic principles as possible.

Read the whole thing.

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