Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, January 11, 2015

More hopeful signs

Saw an article from the AP in the Janesville Gazette this morning.

Muslims are discussing terrorism and how it does not represent the religion as a whole. A Saudi official spoke out against violence.

It's great if it's true, that the often mentioned peace-loving Muslim majority are talking about how they don't support jihad and murder.

Now - how about some street demonstrations - say, in Paris - of those majority Muslims protesting the "extremist minority" that is giving all those good people a bad image?

How about more Muslims like the shopkeeper who hid patrons from the extremists holding hostages in his freezer? Proof that all Muslims are not believers in murder.

I'm waiting to see more public acts are against extremism - perhaps some Saudi beheadings of extremist religious leaders for advocating murder. Talk is cheap.

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