
Dear Chuck,
You and WAVE have had a long and challenging 2011. We’ve faced an all-out drive by our opponents to make Wisconsin a place where loaded weapons in public are an everyday occurrence.
If they had their way, danger would lurk around every corner. We’d face the risk of gun violence erupting in the bars where we socialize, the stores where we shop, the restaurants where we eat, even the playgrounds where our children play.
But, you’ve helped WAVE push back hard against that dire view of Wisconsin’s future. And now a generous supporter has stepped up to match every donation we receive by December 31, up to $20,000. We need your year-end financial support today to take full advantage and help carry our work into 2012.
Make a tax-deductible donation of $25 or more toward preventing gun violence, and, if you give before the end of the year, it will be matched dollar-for-dollar.
Since Governor Walker and the gun lobby forced through “guns in public” legislation, you and WAVE have taken the initiative. Over 150 communities in every corner of our state have decided to keep guns out of public buildings. Thousands of people have signed WAVE’s “SAFE WISCONSIN” pledge urging businesses to post “no guns allowed” signs.
And, as businesses and communities continue deciding whether they’ll respect our safety or bow to the “guns anywhere” agenda, your donation will make sure the voice of our majority is heard loud and clear in the weeks and months to come.
With your help, we’ll do whatever it takes to keep our families and communities free of gun violence in the year ahead.
Commit to helping keep Wisconsin safe. Make a generous, tax-deductible year-end donation before the December 31 deadline to have it matched and doubled.
Thanks so much for all you have done to support our mission and for what I am certain will be a generous response to this urgent year-end request.
In Peace,
Jeri Bonavia
WAVE Executive Director
Photo Credit, Einzelne brennende Kerze, 2009
Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort Educational Fund is Wisconsin's only statewide grassroots organization solely dedicated to reducing gun violence, injuries and deaths. Through research, education and advocacy, WAVE raises awareness about firearm violence, provides up to date information to the public and to policy makers, and promotes common sense gun violence prevention measures.
WAVE Educational Fund is mindful of the number of emails we send, but if you would like to stop receiving our messages, click here to unsubscribe.
How many weak-minded people will donate to this cause, so they can "feel safe" when they enter gun-free criminal friendly zones?
Again with "gun violence". Totally ignoring the facts of criminal behavior, and reality.
The best anti-gun-violence tactic I know of is the proper application of legal gun violence to those attacking, to end the attack. If the perpetrator gets hurt or killed in the process, well, they asked for it by initially offering violence in furtherance of a crime.
So far, in my travels around Beloit, I've noticed a dearth of "no guns" signs on businesses I frequent - but then again, I don;t have much desire or reason to enter the kinds of places that would be liable to post - with the exceptions of governmental offices, where I occasionally have business with my employees. It's a comfort that my workers at the Town of Beloit saw reason and refused to post their offices.
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