Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Letter to the Editor

I did it again. Now, if they print it...
There has been much discussion about the definition of "democracy" lately. I think people are missing the larger point.

Our republic is based on the premise that our government is limited by laws - the Constitution being the final arbiter of what is allowed and what is not. Unfortunately, government being a human creation, this ideal is corrupted by people acting in their own self interests rather than following the rules set by the law.

For instance, during the last Great Depression, FDR packed the Supreme Court with his own choices for justices, in order to keep many of his "New Deal" laws from being found un-Constitutional, as they would have been otherwise. We are now seeing the result of these Utopian laws passed with no concern for their ultimate results.

Now, we are coming to realize that we cannot afford all these programs and laws foisted on us by our "leaders". That is why Wisconsin has a Republican governor and majority in Madison, and why many incumbent politicians across the nation were ousted in the 2010 elections. The people are finally waking up to the fact that our "leaders" have been ignoring the rule book and selling our future for the immediate gratification of themselves and special interests they are beholden to.

The recent demonstrations against the new budget are symptomatic of a mortally wounded creature thrashing in a vain attempt to survive. The creature I speak of is socialism in all its guises.

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