Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, March 20, 2015

More infringements

 New Jersey is one of those states where they can't understand that the Second Amendment means HANDS OFF OUR GUNS...

How New Jersey’s Gun Laws Turned Another Law-Abiding Citizen Into A Convicted Felon

New Jersey’s ridiculous gun laws have once-again turned a law-abiding citizen into a convicted felon over nothing more than an innocent mistake. This time the victim is a former security guard and aspiring police officer named Steffon Josey-Davis.

Josey-Davis legally purchased a 9mm Smith & Wesson in 2013. Shortly after he bought the gun, he made the fateful mistake of stashing it in his glove compartment to make sure his six-year-old sister wouldn’t find it.

The gun was still in the glove compartment when, later the same day, state police pulled him over for driving with an expired registration. Because it is illegal for drivers in New Jersey to transport guns in anywhere but the trunk of their car, the officer confiscated the gun and told Josey-Davis to pick it up at the police station.

When Josey-Davis appeared at the station to retrieve his property, he was promptly arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm – a second-degree felony.
Another innocent person's life destroyed because of illegal laws. Go read the whole article.

Thanks, Julie

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