Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Energy efficiency police stymied!


"The most original invention since the electric light bulb! Although a heatball is technically very similar to a light bulb, it is a heater rather than a source of light.

Heatballs fit into commonly found E27 and E14 sockets. Its efficiency [more...] is unprecedented.


In passively heated houses, light bulbs are a substantial source of heat. When these are substituted with energy saving lamps, the missing heat has to be introduced by other means.. [more...]


It is our duty to use the natural energy reserves of our planet judiciously to make it a comfortable living environment for future generations."



It's good to see idiots get kicked in the nuts by smart people. The green-nazis certainly are in need of kicking.

Now, let's get something like this going here to repair the federal ban on light bulbs here.

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