Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Boxer's at it again...

A Demonrat talking about "common sense". You know the subject is idiotic.

Boxer to Introduce Common-Sense Concealed Firearms Act of 2011

By: Sen. Barbara Boxer's office

Washington, D.C. January 22, 2011 – U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today announced that next week she will introduce the Common-Sense Concealed Firearms Act of 2011, which would require all states that allow residents to carry concealed weapons in public to have minimum standards for granting permits.


I am sure that nutcases will go right out and apply for those concealed carry licenses, and there will never be another crime committed with a gun ever again. After all, look at how well the preceding 20,000-odd infringements on our rights have worked!

Someone might want to inform the Senator that you don't apply for a permit to exercise an inalienable right.

Sent this to Kohl:

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today announced that next week she will introduce the Common-Sense Concealed Firearms Act of 2011

Please inform Ms. Boxer that one does not apply for governmental permission to exercise one's inalienable right to self-defense.

Also, please ask this dense woman why she thinks yet another law on top of the more than 20,000 illegal and un-Constitutional gun laws already in place is going to make one whit of difference to the nutcases among us.

Whatever you do, don't let us see your name as a co-sponsor of such a stupid bill. Remember - 2012 is coming, and we will not forget those who act against our best interests.


and this to Mr. Johnson:

I understand Barb Boxer is going to introduce yet another "feel good" gun control bill - the "Common-Sense Concealed Firearms Act of 2011", which, as is usual for someone of her mental acuity, neither "common sense" nor a good idea.

I've already requested that Mr. Kohl not sponsor such idiocy. I'm pretty sure I don't have to make the same request of you.

What I would ask is that you do all in your power to prevent such bills from ever seeing the Senate floor, and if the bill does make it there, please vote NO on it.

Thanks for supporting us in Wisconsin, even if mostly you just nullify Mr. Kohl's votes

H/t Gun Free Zone

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