Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Email to Tammy Gay

Just felt like it:


I just wanted to let you know that I, and a large majority of your constituents, want you to vote NO on any new gun control laws that may be introduced. Under no circumstances are you to introduce or sponsor any such infringements on our Constitutional rights.

You may have "dodged the bullet" in the last election, but be assured, we in Rock County are making sure of our "target" the next time you come up for election. If you wish to continue as our employee and representative, you will start voting against the following:

Tax increases

New bureaucracies

Expansion of power of existing bureaucracies

"Feel good" laws of any sort

Laws intended to "make us (feel) safe"

Any law not firmly based on existing Constitutional powers of the federal government

Any law based on the flawed interpretation of the Commerce Clause

Do this, and I might vote for you next time. Otherwise, remember - we are watching you, and we have long memories.

By the way - I put "quotation marks" around the "inflammatory" phrases above, in case someone attempts to do the TJIC thing to me. Why don't you look into why the State of Massachusetts broke the First Amendment with this person?

Website: - shut down by the MA police, evidently, for saying something they didn't like.

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