Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Email to Judy Buttinski Robson

Hi, Judy,

Thanks for the letter remarking on my filling out your online survey. It brings home to me the reasons our Founders did not bequeath us a democracy.

Democracy entails rule by the majority, and the enslavement of the minority. When laws are made because 51% or more of those polled are in favor of some restriction on our freedoms - such as the right to decide not to patronize a restaurant because they cater to people who, possibly unwisely, but then, that's no business of government, decide to smoke, and the owner of the restaurant decided to allow such behavior.

Such as voting to encumber our citizens with police out to arrest those imprudent enough to not wear a seat belt, disregarding the fact that all adults are responsible for their own safety, and should not have to be forced by the government.

Our state is rapidly descending the slippery slope that leads to what our friends in formerly "Great" Britain have pioneered - the "nanny state", where Britishers are not allowed to change their own light bulbs, lest they electrocute themselves.

I repeat what I have stated many times in my emails to you - what Wisconsin needs is less legislation, not more. We need to go back to a part-time assembly, and get rid of full-time "lawmakers" who figure their success by how many bills they can foist on our citizens.

We need to remove all subsidies from our budget, for whatever reason. If people are in dire straits, they should apply to private charities, which will have plenty of money available for the truly needy, as long as our government stops stealing the money folks would donate to charity voluntarily.

In short - take a vacation. Stop proposing bills. Vote against anything that supports increases in governmental spending. Vote in favor of anything the reduces the size and burden of government. Vote to repeal any and all laws now on the books that restrict personal freedoms in any way. Follow the Wisconsin and US Constitutions in their original words and spirit, not in some tortured interpretation that supports whatever new "law" some career politician has devised to further enslave us.

We supposedly fought a war back in the 1860s to eliminate forced labor by one people for the benefit of others. Our modern government has successfully enslaved more people than ever to paying taxes for services that are not wanted or needed, and in a sane society, should not even be offered.

Lay off with the social engineering already!

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