Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The truth behind the "straw buy"

Mark Kelly, Gabby Gifford's husband, was recently widely accused (by myself, too!) of buying guns he intended to give away - a "straw" purchase. Turns out his purpose was something else:

See? Universal background checks are nothing to fear! They are SO easy to pass!

Just give up another little piece of your freedom. It's common sense!

And, it's totally unenforceable unless we couple it with universal registration, and a complete reworking of human nature. So, of course, next thing we will hear after it passes through Jugears' hands at the bill signing, will be a law requiring us to tell Big Brother everything about all our guns, or risk prison. I figure that will happen next year, after UBC fails to prevent another "gun violence" tragedy.

From there it's a clear path to those box cars - or a bloody revolution.

I would love to see where he gets "93% of American gun owners support UBC".

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