Not quite sure what (s)he wanted to convey, but it involved news clippings (unattributed) and Xerox copies of pages from a book, complete with yellow highlighter and not too coherent handwritten comments.
Got the scanner back up, so here it is.
First, the envelope, no return address. I've cropped out my address - anyone who wants it can do the minimal work to find it. Anonymous did!

Note the familiarity, or attempt to belittle me, via the "Chucky". Sad.
On the back flap is the word "Picolu", possibly "Picolo". Unsure.
Page 1:

Note to Anonymous - it's spelled "suggest", and apostrophes are not used for plurals.
NASA has been at the forefront of the "climategate" scandal. Amateur scientists have discovered and pointed out errors made by NASA satellite data compilers.
Wikipedia article
Errors in NASA records
An interesting video
Ice sheets floating on the ocean are larger in volume frozen than melted, so if the ice sheets are melting, ocean levels should be going down.
Osama's place of birth is not an issue - IF his mother was an American citizen at the time of the birth. What ever gave you the idea that this is an issue with me? The big question for me is - why is Osama willing to spend millions to keep his records secret? It promotes suspicion.
How, exactly, does a House resolution commemorating Hawaii figure here? The vote on returning the stolen GM and Chrysler stock to the people who paid for it is more interesting - and that CONgress refused to stop future bailouts.
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Hoover, Nixon, and G. W. Bush. All three at least did not actively try to enslave the American people. Perhaps Anonymous means they were among the worst at furthering Communism here. Surprised (s)he didn't include both Bushes and Reagan.
What channel? Who, exactly, is laughing at me? I love to entertain people!
So, I should listen to known left-wing biased news to get the "truth"?
Not sure what the bit at the bottom is - I'm not a Republican - I spend a lot of time telling them to quit sending me begging letters.
I am definitely a conservative - I want to conserve our freedoms, even for douches like Anonymous.
Is that "nickle head" or "nuckle head"? Please explain, so I can rebut.
Seems like Anonymous doesn't like Fox News. Well, I don't watch it, or any TV news, regularly, and know they are as prone to sensationalism as the rest of the MSM. At lest they present news that the rest of the MSM glosses over.
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So, some inland glaciers melted. So what? Once upon a time, in a place under my feet, there was a glacier over 3 km thick. It went away, too.
I have no idea what prompted this - my blog, a letter I sent to the newspaper, a comment I made on another blog, or whatever.
If you want my respect, at least be brave enough to give me a name and address, or even a phone number, so I can have a real communication with you. Mine are public record.
Chuck Kuecker
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