Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Letter to my CONgresscritters

One basic requirement for a good representative of the People of Wisconsin is to know intimately what is in a proposed bill and how it will affect the people of our state.

I fervently hope that you will vote NO on any bill that you have not had time to personally read and fully understand.

Recently, we have seen what happens when Congress is stampeded by panic-mongers like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to pass legislation without reading and understanding it. Billions of dollars of our tax money is wasted, and our economy is forced further into a depression.

Another key to being a good senator or representative is to understand the history of our country, and to avoid making the same mistakes your predecessors made by reading their bills and knowing what the outcome of that lawmaking ended up as. I highly recommend Amity Shlaes' book 'The Forgotten Man', a good telling of the problems and lasting damage caused by similar panic-induced lawmaking during the Great Depression.

Please do not succumb to panic. Nothing that comes across your desk from any congressional committee is so important that it must be passed without you having the time to read and understand it fully. If for some reason you do not understand a bill, please have the integrity to at least vote 'present', rather than follow the sheep into the shearing shed.

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