Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Another missive to Tammy G.

Here goes, yet again:



Just listened to your video on your home page. A few comments.

First, health care is not 'part of the American dream' unless you are a purebred socialist. Real Americans dream of being allowed to live their lives in accordance with their personal ideas of morality, with the right to work for the benefit of themselves and their families without an overweening government dictating their every moment of life.

Second, instead of distracting the people with all this blather about how government is going to make everything perfect, why don't you take a look at the financial frauds being perpetrated on us bu the Federal Reserve and our biggest financial institutions? It's years past due that we had a full and open accounting of where our money system is and what we need to do to fix things. Until our economy is back on a level keel, all else is useless distraction and "pulling the wool" over our eyes. Quit it. Act in our best interests.

A good first step, which will demonstrate that you understand and respect your position as our representative, would be to schedule a few open town hall meetings. No more of this hiding behind the Internet and telephone call banks. Come out and face your employers.

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