Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Letter to CONgresscritters

Just finished watching the whole "Obama Deception" video.

Here's what I sent to Tammy Baldwin. Herb Kohl, and Russ Feingold, for whatever good it did:

My Desires:

First off - here's what I would like you to do for me:

1. Vote NO on any and all further bailout schemes, regardless of for who or for what reason.
2. Vote NO on any and all taxes or schemes based on the bogus theme of "climate change".
3. Vote NO on any and all schemes to join America with other nations under any kind of global central bank or other oversight organization.
4. Vote NO on any form of federalized health care.
5. Introduce a bill to get rid of the Federal Reserve's immunity to congressional oversight and audit.

If you have a couple of hours, watch this video. Very interesting.

If I get any coherent response, or any response at all, I shall post it.


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