Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, April 22, 2013

Help needed

Calling all Vietnam veterans:

Can you please distribute the below request to you distribution list. Thanks
Any US Navy sailor on board a US Navy ship during the Vietnam War: I am requesting notarized sworn testimonials from sailors who saw barrels of agent orange and agent white on board their ship. Barrels would have an orange or white painted stripe around the middle or top of the barrels.  

Details: Name of ship to include hull number. Port where picked up and port where off loaded. Means used to load and off load the barrels. Any spills from damage and means to clean it up.

There will be no repercussions attributed with your testimonial, testimonials are in witness and are not classified information.

I want to build a case that the DoD and Dept of the Navy did not be truthful about these barrels being transported on board US Navy ships. At some point in time, I hope to testify before Congress relative to the Agent Orange Bills.

Send me a message or e-mail me at 
If you are willing to provide me with your sworn testimonial. Thank you.

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