By Massad Ayoob
By Massad Ayoob
In this recent incident, an aberration of society walked into a church in Spartanburg, raising a shotgun.
Fortunately, before mayhem could ensue, an armed parishioner took him at gunpoint. This was not what the violent intruder had come for; he surrendered, and a mass murder was averted.

These things don’t always have such happy endings. For a number of reasons, houses of worship are disproportionately likely to be the targets of mass murderers. Across the spectrum of the faiths, clergy and church management have taken to heart the words attributed to Jesus Christ: “If thou hast not a sword, sell thy cloak and buy one.” (Luke 22:36)
Yeah, it’s Sunday. Some of you are religious, some are not. I once gave that quote to a friend who happens to be an atheist, who replied with a puzzled look, “Whose screen name is Luke twenty-two thirty-six? What forums does he post on?” Well, if you don’t read the Bible, you’ll find the same principle in Ethics 101. There is such a thing as a responsibility to protect the innocent from evil. This is why so many houses of worship now provide discreet armed security for their members in attendance.
One such was Jeanne Assam, an ex-cop working volunteer security at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado on December 9, 2007. In the wee hours of that morning, a crazed young man had shot multiple people at an affiliated church in a suburb of Denver. The same monster showed up at the Colorado Springs facility with an AR15, a couple of handguns, and a backpack with more than a thousand rounds of ammunition. He opened fire in the parking lot, killing two and wounding two more. Entering the church, he found himself facing Ms. Assam…and his own mortality.
Disregarding her own safety, Jeanne Assam moved in on the heavily armed
gunman, firing her Beretta 92 FS with deadly accuracy, and cut him down in a
hail of 9mm bullets. Some say that at the last moment he put a fatal bullet into
himself, but that wouldn’t change the fact that he died only after Ms. Assam
disabled him with multiple solid hits, and stopped a rampage that could have
claimed dozens of lives.
We are a nation that seems driven to tear down its heroes, and Jeanne Assam
became a target of the mainstream media and other forces thereafter. You can
read her compelling story in her own words. Her book “God, the Gunman, and Me”
is available for $14.99 plus $5.00 postage from http://www.jeanneassam.com/jeannes-book
From the brave man in Spartanburg to the courageous lady in Colorado Springs, we have logical testament to the fact that if you’re going to refer to those folks in the pews as “the flock,” and their spiritual advisor as “the shepherd,” it makes a lot of sense to have some sheepdogs around, with good sharp fangs.
From Backwoods Home Magazine
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