Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A stupid person speaks

And proves her ignorance and stupidity.

This stupid female doesn't think past what her handlers tell her. Replace a barrel, firing pin, or some judicious application of a Dremel tool will make the whole thing moot, anyway - except for adding cost to Americans exercising their rights, and violating the Constitution.

"Sensible gun regulation" == control of the people for the benefit of the governing.

These idiots think criminals obey laws. She swears no one will be hurt by her law - and she used to "hunt" - so she's a good guy.

Her last line - "get rid of those damn criminals" - is priceless. The way you do that is by allowing people to defend themselves and their property, and repealing laws that protect violent criminals by disarming the good people.


  1. Miami Dade PD's Glocks have what is called The Miami Barrel that leaves stamping on both the case and the bullet. This is for the purposes of investigating police shootings. Within known shooters and having the guns immediately available for testing, at best you can get a 60% identification.

    1. How do you reliably mark a bullet from the gun's chamber? 60% seems like a really good percentage if you need to see markings on both the case and bullet.

      I understand the new idea is to make ammo manufacturers serialize EVERY bullet and it's case, and keep records of where each round went. That will end the ammunition industry right there, unless people are willing to spend $1 per round or more.

  2. The fun thing about microstamping is that things like barrels and firing pins are not registered or regulated, and are pretty easy to swap out. What might work in a police department where all the guns are controlled by the department completely falls apart when you try to translate it into the public arena.

    One thing all these proponents miss is that if a Miami officer shoots for practice or qualification with that gun, and some of the empties get picked up by an enterprising criminal, that officer could end up implicated in a criminal shooting he was nowhere near. If microstamping goes mainstream, every citizen using a public range either needs to police every spent shell right now, or risk the same fate.

    Also, this idea does absolutely nothing for shooters who favor revolvers - and "brass catchers" are available for many models of semi-auto firearm...

    It's another Second Amendment infringement at worst, and another ivory-tower dream seen through Pollyanna's rose-colored glasses that will end violence magically, at best.
