Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Daylight saving time

The most useless law passed in the history of the USA. All it does is disrupt people's sleep patterns, cause traffic accidents because of sun glare that wasn't there yesterday, and make work for people with a lot of clocks to reset.

Every explanation I have found for its' existence makes no sense to me. If you work outside, you get up when you can see well enough to do your job, and quit when you can't see any more. No farmer ever got more work done just because it suddenly was 4 AM instead of 3 - or because it was suddenly an hour earlier.

If the idea was to have more daylight in the evenings, why not just stay on "DST" year round? The people who live close to the eastern boundaries of the time zones still get the short end of the stick.

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