L.I. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s district on the chopping block
State losing two congressional seats based on Census results
By Kenneth Lovett / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Wednesday, February 8, 2012, 8:59 PM

Elisa Miller
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-Nassau County), seen with Mayor Bloomberg at a gun-control rally in March 2011, may be at risk of losing her congressional district due to the state's redistricting.
ALBANY — Democratic Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s Long Island district is on the chopping block as state leaders begin redrawing congressional boundaries, the Daily News has learned.
State Senate and Assembly negotiators are looking at merging McCarthy’s Nassau County district into a Nassau-Queens district now held by fellow Dem Gary Ackerman, sources close to the planning said.
+++++++++++++State Senate and Assembly negotiators are looking at merging McCarthy’s Nassau County district into a Nassau-Queens district now held by fellow Dem Gary Ackerman, sources close to the planning said.
Such an attractive person she is. Dancing in the blood of her husband and the other defenseless people on that Long Island RR train, as she attempts to prevent others from being able to respond correctly to the next nut case who ignores all those pretty gun control laws.
I hope she gets retired. Too bad she will collect a CONgressional pension for the rest of her life if that happens.
H/t Alphecca
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