Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Email to the Governor

As he has made obvious lately, Governor Walker is sidling away from his campaign promises to reduce Wisconsin's government, by saying he expects any concealed carry bill reaching his desk to require licensing and registration.

So, my email:

I am writing to urge you to endorse true "Constitutional Carry" for Wisconsin, as our Constitutional rights are not subject to licensing, regulation, or infringement. Read the Second Amendment in the light of how the Founders wrote it, and you will see that any restrictions on personal arms is an infringement. Licensing a right makes it a privilege subject to revocation. Shall we license reporters next?

Any new bureaucracy in Wisconsin flies in the face of your campaign promises to get Wisconsin government under control, and will cost taxpayers more. Instead of setting up licensing and all that entails - such as records of all licensees, open to hackers and FOIA demands by "concerned citizens", why not abolish the Wisconsin "Handgun Hotline" and all of the bureaucracy it involves - after all, we are already paying the Federal Government to maintain the FBI's "E-Check" system, that Wisconsin residents must use when buying a long gun. Aside from the childish fears of certain nanny-state lovers, there is no difference between handguns and long guns.

Governor, stay true to your campaign promises and tell the Wisconsin legislature that we do not want or need more laws regulating what should not be regulated, and to modify the Concealed Carry bill to simply repeal all restrictions on carry and storage for law-abiding people. Criminals will simply ignore any new laws, as they always have done.


Chuck Kuecker
Beloit, WI 53511

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