Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

S. 510

I just got an email from the Beloit Patriots - the US Senate is considering S.510, which would create yet more bureacracy to regulate snall farms, in the search for yet more "perfect safety" for our food supply.

Just sent Kohl this:

Vote NO on S. 510. We have too much regulation now - why not propose getting rid of some of what exists now, rather than add more?

Perhaps by shutting down the TSA or the FDA, we can balance the federal budget without bankrupting the nation.

No new regulations. Enough already!

Sent lame-duck Feingold this:

Now that you have seen the will of the people of Wisconsin, there are a few things you can do to leave on a high note.

First, oppose S.510. We don't need even more regulation on our small farms, especially at a federal level.

Second, investigate the TSA - better yet, let's abolish it. It is wasteful, perverted, and useless, and by it's very existence, proof that the terrorists have won. Use the money they waste groping Americans and using possibly unsafe scanners to make pornographic images to pay down the huge deficits and debts you and your colleagues have created.

Investigate the BATFE and remove a bunch of their funding - the Border Patrol can use that cash.

Do these things and the people of Wisconsin can remember that you did something right on your way out of power.

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