Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Briar patch?

This makes me think of Brer Rabbit begging not to be thrown into the briar patch, somehow:

N.J. Sen. Weinberg introduces measure opposing federal Right-to-Carry bill proposal

Says bill would violate New Jersey's gun control laws

Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen) announced Friday she has introduced a legislative resolution condemning the “National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011,” saying that the federal proposal would undermine New Jersey’s gun control laws and states’ traditional role in deciding the best gun control strategies for each individual state.

“Historically, states have been given the right of self-determination when it comes to gun control,” Weinberg said. “Regardless of how you feel about New Jersey’s gun control laws, the federal legislation which was recently passed by the House would set a terrible precedent, and opens the door for Second Amendment activists elsewhere in the country to override New Jersey’s own laws. Hopefully, Governor Christie and our Congressional leaders will stand up for our state and oppose this overreaching federal bill.”

The resolution (SR-132), would express the state Senate’s opposition to the federal bill (H.R. 822). The proposal, which was approved by a vote of 272-154 on Nov. 16, would allow individuals with a permit to carry a concealed weapon in one state the ability to carry a concealed weapon in every other state that allows people to carry concealed weapons, without having to reapply for a permit in each state. The result would be that individuals with a permit to carry from a more lax gun control state would have unchecked ability to carry a concealed weapon in N.J., where they may not even qualify for a permit. The federal bill is not expected to pass the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate.
Currently, only Illinois and the District of Columbia prohibit individuals from carrying a concealed weapon.

Weinberg noted that only seven Republicans voted against the legislation in the House – where it had large support from the National Rifle Association – despite the fact that Republicans tend to favor states’ rights over federal regulation.

“I find it a bit ironic that the move to trample states’ rights to regulate firearms is coming from Republicans who are all too eager to demand states’ rights on such things as health care, abortion and defining marriage as between a man and a woman,” Weinberg said. “While our Constitution guarantees people a right to bear arms, the decision was made to allow states to regulate guns, in order to allow them to develop strategies that meet the individual states’ demographic, economic and lifestyle needs. What works for Florida or Texas may not work for New Jersey and vice versa, and gun control should be the sole provision of the individual states, not the federal government.”

If approved by the Legislature, copies of the resolution would be sent to leaders in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
H. R. 822 does nothing of the sort, as far as I can see, but does trample on state's rights, as it would possibly require a federal standard for concealed carry, and the Second Amendment says that the federal government has no business setting such a standard.
A "resolution" is basically a waste of time, bearing no power to force a vote. It could, however, incite Senators to vote in favor of a stealth gun control bill, just to "stick it" to this stupid woman.

What we need is a Supreme Court packed with justices who have read and understand the Constitution as fixed law, not a "living document", and will rule based on the original intent of that document, not on what is politically expedient or currently "politically correct".

At that point, New Jersey's un-Constitutional gun laws will be overturned legally, as they should have been decades ago, along with the un-Constitutional gun laws of 50 states and Washington, DC.

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