Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Join the Union of Concerned Scientists!

and help fight Glowbull Worming! All you need is money, not intelligence or any knowledge of the scientific method!

At Watts Up With That:

Friday Funny – The newest member of the Union of Concerned Scientists

Readers may recall this story a few weeks back:
Be a “concerned scientist” – valid credit card required

Reader DJ writes in Tips & Notes:
Since becoming a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists when I found out all you needed was a valid credit card, my curiosity about who and what they really are has spiked.
I decided to put that theory to the test. I am very proud to announce that a member of my family has been accepted into this prestigious organization. With pride, I present new UCS member, Kenji Watts:

Yes, Kenji is our dog. Apparently, the claim is true, all that is required to be a member of the illustrious group of “concerned scientists” is a valid credit card. No discerning questions were asked of me when I prepared Kenji’s application and no follow up check after the application was done. I simply put in his name, address, and provided a valid credit card that matched the address.
Here is his letter of acceptance:

And the envelope it came in:

Kenji surveys his welcome kit:

Kenji is a Japanese Chin, hence the name. I found it ironic that the issue of the UCS Catalyst Magazine (seen above) was all about Japan.

So the real question is: How many real “concerned scientists” are there in UCS? Membership is apparently not any more discerning than the ability to send money.
I’m disappointed the Guardian hasn’t called for a quote on this story citing “leading U.S. Scientists”:

Remember the Fusion Energy Foundation? Lyndon LaRouche? They used to roam the airports collecting donations so you could support fusion research - and much of the money went to LaRouche's campaign funds. UCS seems similar - the money goes to force carbon caps and other specious "science" on us.

I do note that their worries about "biofuels" are valid, and I share them.

Thanks, Julie.

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