Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, December 10, 2010

Random thoughts on the law

If someone is enough of a danger to the community to need to be "registered" as a sex offender, WHY the hell is this person still loose in the community?

Registration of any kind has never prevented a single crime - it just makes for employment for more bureaucrats to maintain the records.


What's with sentences for crimes? HUGE fines and long jail terms for copying a copyrighted video - but much less for aggravated rape or even murder. Is the government telling us that CDs and DVDs are worth more than human lives? Guess so.


I commute to Elgin, IL for work, and on the backroads I drive, I've been seeing new sign at every small bridge over a wet spot: "NO LOITERING OR JUMPING OFF BRIDGE".

Who is the brainiac that mandated these? Most of the streams are less than a foot deep during the spring thaw, and who exactly has been loitering? The trolls from the Illinois Trollway System?


What's with the people who mount those solar powered warning lights along highways in Illinois? They mount many of them with the solar panels facing NORTH. This kind of stupidity has got to be taught - no natural idiot is that dumb!


Pet peeve - if someone has "done their time" and is ready to be released back into society, WHY can they not be trusted with a gun? If they are that dangerous, like the "sex offenders", why are they out of the can? Perhaps we need to build Heinlein's "Coventry".

Enough for now..

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